October 30, 2007

Mission Accomplished

So I did the 1/2 marathon and it went very well. What I am telling people, though, is that I really did the 3/4 marathon, because I ran 20 miles that day. I have now switched my focus to training for the Houston full marathon, and myself and some people in the running group needed to do a 20 mile training run that weekend. SO I met up with my running buddies at 5 am, ran 7, then did the 13.1. My time was very slow, but I don't care, I was feeling SO good at the end of the race, I think I finally got a runner's high. I am excited about Houston and maybe will do Austin marathon as well.
It was a beautiful day, and an awesome marathon!

I finished!

I am thrilled to report that I finished the 1/2 marathon! It was such a beautiful day...perfect running weather! My only expectations were that I would finish and hope that I had improved in some way. Although the official results are not posted yet, I finished the run feeling great! My knee did give me some grief towards the end of the race, but this is the first 1/2 marathon I have finished that I was not exhausted at the end. I could have run more! Wow! My Garmin watch says my time was improved too. Can't wait to see the posted results! My husband also ran in the 5K race. He runs faster than me. He came in 2nd for his age category. I was so proud of him. He started running for fitness this time last year and now had those sexy runner's legs. It was a good day for the Gilmer's. Hope you had fun! Hope you did well! See you at the start line next year!

October 23, 2007

This is it!

I ran my last long run on Sunday. I plan to run a short run tommorrow, then I will carb-out. I always do a 20 or 30 walk the day before just to smooth out any soreness and to help clear my mind of doubts. I know I will finish. I know I will do my best. I know that I will have fun. Good luck to all you runners. It is supposed to be a beautiful day on Sunday. See ya'll there!

October 22, 2007

7 Days until the Big MMM

Okay folks - we have only 7 days left until the Marathon. I ran my last long run yesterday. I ran 12 miles with a friend and it was hot and windy. I will probably do a few 3 milers this week but I won't run at all after Thursday.

Each time I do a long training run, I wonder if I will be able to complete the marathon. Then I remember that I have finished all of my marathons and they are, of course, all the same distance so if history repeats itself.... Yikes I hope I didn't just jinx myself. Two years ago, I got a stress fracture at about 23 miles in Cameron Park but I was still able to complete the marathon. Now that I think about it, that sounds a little insane. But then running marathons is considered by some to be "a little insane". I think it's just downright fun. Not to mention that you learn a whole lot about yourself, your determination and your sense of accomplishment.

I compare marathons to childbirth in a sense. You have several months of training (pregnancy) and then several hours of labor (the actual marathon) and then you deliver (the finish line). So, by that analogy, "the baby is almost here". How exciting is that!

See ya at the Marathon

October 19, 2007

I ran 12 miles this morning with a friend. What a beautiful day! We started before the sun came up and then greeted the day as the minutes ticked by. The weather was crisp with no wind. We were able to run the first 6 without stopping. Then we ran the last 6 about half running and half walking. We felt good when we finished however my calves were a little sore which was a new experience for me. I didn't get blisters which is a good since I have been plagued with those lately.

Anyway, I will do another long run on Sunday and then taper off before the marathon. Hope the weather is a duplicate of today but if not...the marathon will still be fun. It always is.

Happy training and the countdown begins

October 18, 2007

Soon to race

It is so encouraging to read the blogs and see that others are both progressing and struggling like myself. I have been running consistantly over the past few weeks with small setbacks and bigger gains. My only concern this week is my right knee is giving me a little problem with long distances. I hate that it is bothering me this close to the race. I ran 9 miles on Sunday. It was a perfectly beautiful morning on a country road. I felt great and was running well until the 7th mile or so. Then my knee starts to ache. I slowed down and babied it back home. There was no swelling, but it was sore the rest of the day. It is not bothering me on short distances. My plan of the moment is to wear a brace, take some ibuprofen before runs and ice it down afterwards. I will take any other suggestions. Other than the knee, I am very excited about the race. Running has become such a normal part of my life. I wish I had been in this good of shape ten years ago! Keep running!

October 12, 2007

Keep on keepin' on!

Last Saturday was an epic run. I got up at 2:30, left the house at 3, met w/ the Waco running group at 4. In the morning. We ran 18 miles, of course we do the run-walk method which is the only thing that saves me. It poured rain for about an hour, and the Advil, caffeine pill, and gummy bears I had in my pockets were melted. But the rain was welcome, because it was still SO hot that morning! I find it interesting that on many of the longer runs I do, the first half is worse than the last. This is not always true, but sometimes. The first ten miles I felt bad, sluggish, like I was picking up my big heavy legs one at a time to just move them. Somehow, after the rain and just getting settled in, the legs got lighter and my mood got happy. I certainly felt the last 8 miles in my body but emotionally I was high. Having good buddies to run with is wonderful, and mainly, just to do it. It feels freakin' fantastic.

October 02, 2007

Still Hot....

I wish I had been running at 7am with Mitzi! My dad and I have done the last few of our runs outdoors at the hottest part of the day (scheduling is a problem for us...), and we are struggling to find a good pace so that I can survive the heat. The Galloway run/walk helps, but I can't wait for it to cool down a little bit. News 10 Meteorologist Brady Taylor says the temp should drop a little this Sunday. I can't help but hope that is the start of a steady decline in temperatures towards race day. Here's hoping the 28th is a cool morning!

October 01, 2007

Keep on Keeping on

I'd forgotten what it was like to run when the weather is a little cooler. I went for a 5 miler on Saturday morning at 7 am and it was way cooler than when I've been running at noon. Did I mention I'm not a morning person... I enjoyed the weather and also enjoyed watching my neighborhood wake up. Every time I went around my one mile block, there were more lights on in the homes and more and more people began coming out to run to walk. By the time I finished, I was rejuvenated, awake and ready to go to the UT game in Austin...but that's another story altogether. Did I mention they LOST!

I recruited a friend to run with me on Sunday for my long run. We ran 10 miles in the heat of the day. It was hot and windy but we managed to stay on course. We should have run 2 more but my blisters were bothering me and I really need to get those things healed before the marathon. Only one more long run for me before the marathon, maybe a 15 miler and that should do it.

Happy training and I'll see ya at the finish line

September 24, 2007

Texas Weather and any other excuse

It's still HOT outside. I ran (walk,ran) 6 miles on Saturday and 10 miles on Sunday. It was so hot, I just didn't have the energy to run much of the 10 miler. Plus, I've got a major blister on my heel that just won't go away. I've never had trouble with blisters before so this is beginning to get on my nerves. With so little time until the marathon, I really need to be running distances, but this blister....

Ahh - I love the excuses. Here are a few of my favorites: it's too hot; it's too cold; it's too windy; it's too early; it's too late; I'm too tired; I ran yesterday; I'm sore; I ate too much; I'm too hungry; my Ipod needs charging; my friends can't run today; and my all time favorite - I can't find my shoes! Believe me when I tell you - after running for 27 years, I have used all of the above.

Happy training and I'll see ya at the finish line

September 14, 2007

Pre-Race Races

As we are gearing up for the big race day, several people in the Waco Galloway group are enjoying some shorter races around central Texas. A few people did the Kolache run in West a couple weeks ago, tomorrow (Sat 9/15) is the McGregor Founders Day run, and next week (Sat 9/22) is the first annual MS run through Cameron Park. Since I haven't really run in a race before, I am really looking forward to a pre-race race. I think the energy of running with such a big group of people will help give me a little extra boost through the next few weeks of training, plus I am hoping it will give me a better idea of what to expect on the morning of the 28th!

September 10, 2007

Well it's September and the pollen must be rampant. I went out for my run yesterday and only made it 1 mile before my chest got tight and my eyes started burning and itching. By the time I got back inside, I had to take Benadryl just to breathe. I am still determined to get my miles in so I went out again today and had a much easier time. I am only running 4 miles because I do this on my lunch hour. I will save my long runs for Sundays when I have more time and there is less traffic.

At any rate, I would like to share some of the questions I have gotten over the years as I have trained and run my past marathons : Do you like to run - How do you run that far - Do you get tired - Why would you do that - How far is THIS marathon - and my all time favorite....Did you win? My answer to the last question is always the same - in my mind if I cross the finish line, I won!

Happy Running

September 05, 2007

Scenic Runs for the Race

Well it's been awhile since my last comments but like many of you I just came back from vacation and yes I did run. Like most everyone the change of scenery gave me a boost in my training. Unfortunately where my sister lives in South Carolina is very hilly and the run was painful on the uphill climb and a little scary on the downhill side. You don't realize just how steep the hill is until you start down and then it's too late to change your mind and walk because the momentum has driven you past your normal pace and to try and stop is as dangerous as finishing the downhill run because the bottom of the hill is coming quickly and you need the momentum to get up the next hill. Yes I was sore for a few days but to my surprise the total distance was in excess of 6 miles. What surprised me was I have not run this far yet on flat roads and I was not in that bad shape at the end of the run. Well to all keep up the effort and see you in October

September 04, 2007

Back from Hawaii

I haven't written in a while...I have been on vacation and getting ready for school. Hawaii was beautiful. I had found a "how to train on vacation" plan that I was going to follow, but I didn't. I did run on the beach twice with my husband (which was really hard work for me, but John was hardly breathing! However, he got really sore legs and I didn't. So there!). I went scuba diving and hiking, which I counted as crosstraining. Back at home I started up with a couple of short easy runs (2 milers), then moved up to 3 miles and tomorrow I will do 4 miles. Saturday I should be back on schedule with a seven mile run. Only eight more weeks to go...time to get to work! As Maya would say from Yourself Fitness Xbox game, "Work hard, work strong!"

September 03, 2007

Needed Distractions

It can be the smallest or weirdest things that keep us going day to day, and so far it has been Harry Potter keeping me running. I started adding mileage about the time the 7th book came out, so Harry, Hermoine and Ron have been keeping me company via book on tape every step so far. That is, until last Friday. Even more than my disappointment at the end of the series, was my disappointment at loosing my running partners. I barely noticed the miles slip by when I was caught up in finding horcruxes and fighting Voldemort. Now, I am aware of each and every step. Last week, I tried to go back to running with music, but it just wasn't the same. Today, I try again with a new audio book.

August 27, 2007


I am happy to say my training is going well, and I'm really looking forward to the actual event of the half marathon on October 28th. Like Emily (see her last post) I am also with the Waco group who does the Galloway method (run-walk). I had my reservations about it at first. I thought it would surely make one much slower, but believe me, it doesn't. It saves your legs so you can keep up the pace in the long run. I did 10 miles on Saturday, and felt really good up until about the last mile (at which point I just had to put my head down and just keep moving). The other good thing is the people I run with are total nuts and we end up laughing about the weirdest stuff. That can be bad, though, if you are laughing and out of breathe from running at the same time!

August 24, 2007

Galloway Way

Well, I made the 8 miles! I ran with the Waco Galloway group for the first time, and I am not sure I would have made it through the distance without them. That group has been on a structured training schedule together for several weeks, but they were very nice to let me join in a little late. The Galloway method of combining walking and jogging made the whole distance much more beareable, plus it was a lot of fun to have a group of people to run with. I alternated looking forward to and dreading the beep of the watch counting our minutes as we switched back and forth from walking and running. Having the group meant I could stop focusing on the details (where are we going, how much further) and really just focus on the running. Very nice.

August 17, 2007

Change of Scenery... Same Pace

I was in Galveston for a couple of days last weekend, and had a great run on the sea wall! I am really glad I made that trip last week... I think it might not be running weather down there this weekend. It was really nice to be able to run in some new scenery, even though the waves were a little low. I have heard there are benefits to actually running on the sand, but since I am still counting completion as a success, I decided not to push it. I am looking forward to my longest run yet this weekend... 8 miles! It will definitely be a challenge, but I am excited for it.

August 09, 2007

Picking up speed

I have run 13 miles this week. This is the most I have run in 4 or 5 months. I have a few sore spots but the slow steady increase in my training over the past few weeks have made the difference. And, remarkably, I have run every bit of it. I remember last year struggling to run short distances and feeling tired all the time. This is such an improvement! I encourage all you newbies to hang in there. It is so exciting to see yourself get stronger. I am jazzed! Tonight is the first set of fartleks in my training program. I am looking forward to a good sweat! See you on the road!

August 08, 2007

Mental Challenge...

I started in on the training a little later than I wish I had, so I have been playing catch-up for the last few weeks. Having never been a strong runner, there has been a lot of catching up to do. One of my biggest obstacles so far has been mentally pushing myself to do the distance (even the shorter starting out distances....) Running is so much of a mental and physical challenge for me, but I am learning to enjoy it for the challenge. When I do make the distance or time I am shooting for, it is such a great feeling! I am training with my dad, Keller, who is also running the half, and having a running partner has really helped me push past my mental obstacles. My dad keeps telling me, the excuse you give yourself to stop running is often the excuse you give yourself to quit in other parts of your life. Thinking about that while running has kept me going. I have been surprised, especially in just the last couple of days, how just a little bit of progress has really encouraged me to work harder.

August 07, 2007

Time Flies

Wow time does fly, I was glancing at the comments and realized that I haven't made any in a while. Well I feel great and even though I came down with the same crude that has been going around for awhile. I missed running for 3 days last week. I restarted this monday and even though I was still wheezing during the run I actually felt alot better than the week before. I have started finishing my run with a full out run the last .2 and even though it hurts like heck I feel so much better. With my music playing it seems that my route, even though its not very large, is passing by with less strain and aches. to those who are running the full marathon and 1/2 marathon I know this heat is not fun. Just think a week ago we were tired of all the rain! Well with any luck my morning's run will not get too terrible hot until closer to race time. Best of Luck to all in the weeks to come.

July 30, 2007

Back at it!

I am very pleased with my training efforts this weekend. On Saturday I ran my 3 miles feeling strong and well! My biggest issue is that the days are hot, hot, Hot! Even late at night it is still quite warm. July is finally here! I will need to start getting up early to run...I hate that! On a brighter note, the cross training is beginning to show. I feel stronger and my stomach is beginning to firm up (all the ab work is paying off!). I haven't written about it, but I have an additional motivation in that I have an anniversary trip to Hawaii coming up! Rippling abs in a new bikini was my goal...I may have to settle on less jiggle in a one piece. It's all good! See you on the road!

July 24, 2007

Last week was not my best week of training. I picked up a virus and I felt pretty ragged most of the week. I missed 4 days of training. I was supposed to run 3 miles on Saturday. Instead, I ran a pathetic 1.8 and felt lucky to have accomplished that much! Last night I ran 2 miles and felt a little stronger, but still on the wimpy side. Throughout the weekend I could feel my anxiety build...I am getting behind...I am losing ground...etc. I am trying to remember that this is life. You have to be flexible! When things go wrong or you have a bad day (or week!) it is important to remind yourself that good days usually follow the bad. I am going to stay focused, stay motivated, and hang in there. Tonight is cross-training. I am going to do an aerobic program geared toward core strength. Oh boy, I can't wait!

July 23, 2007

I think things are going pretty well. Saturday the 14 th I did 6 miles with the Waco running group that I joined, and boy, I am so happy I am in with a group. I know I would never, NEVER, have got up at 0530 to run if it were just me doing it. We did 4 miles on Wednesday, and afternoon running is harder, esp. when it is hot. I overslept today and missed my morning jog, and I feel really guilty about it. The dogs were pretty ticked off at me, too. So tomorrow I have to do it, no matter what. OK-- this week the goals are: EVERY morning get up and run with the dogs, even if it just 20 minutes, Wednesday do 4 miles with the group, and Saturday do 7. That sounds like a plan.

July 17, 2007

Listen to your Body

I have been running a few weeks now and up until recently I really haven't seen much weight loss, although my wife says I seem to look leaner. Recently I have noticed that my body has been telling me things but I wasn't quite listening, for the last few days my legs have been sore alittle bit. I chalked this up to the fact I am running farther and keeping my time the same, I figured this is par but my body was telling me that the banana on the counter looked extremely delicious, what is it about the banana that looked so good? After eating one my legs seem to say thank you. The soreness eased and I don't notice as much that I ache (POTASSIUM a wonderful chemical). I have been craving apple juice also but haven't quite figured out what this aids in. Well back to the weight loss I have actually lost five pounds and feel so much better! I was wondering if I ever would see a drop. Now that I have I am encouraged to keep up the regimen and I will add a little swimming to the workout as the kids want me to join them in their new pool that we recently purchased for them. To all you beginners like me learn to listen to your body and you won't suffer as much, it's a wonderful thing when your body is happy!

July 14, 2007

Sore legs

I had a little blip in my training this week. I did several minutes of jumping jacks while doing aeorbics on Tuesday. They seemed quite doable at the time...but, apparantly, I was using some calf muscle that doesn't get used enough. Ouch! Sore legs. Over the past couple of days I have managed to do some yoga stretches, but no running. This morning my legs are still sore, but it is time to get back to it. A short, easy run today followed by a slightly longer run tommorrow should get me back into it. Wish me luck!

July 10, 2007

Oops, I did it again

I actually ran another 4 miles! And this time wasn't so bad! I joined a running group in Waco and ran w/ them the first time on Saturday. I got up at 0530 (remember, this is on a SATURDAY) and somehow made myself go out the door. The group in Waco ran 3 miles last week and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hang in there, I'd be dragging behind them, I'd faint, I'd be made fun of, etc, etc. But I did it and the 4 miles wasn't so bad. Running w/ other people is definitely funner. So, I am planning on doing this every Saturday (so much for my rowdy parties on Friday nights, oh well). We are supposed to do 5 miles this week, so I have to do some running before then. I got up this morning and ran for 40 minutes, and you know, it's really hot at 6 AM. I've found running in the evening after work just never seems to happen, something else comes up; I'm too tired, I'm busy, I'm quitting, I'm too fat, I'm a loser, you know, something always stops me. So morning running is very, very important.

July 09, 2007

Things I've learned while training for Marathons - When and where to put the vaseline...running in the rain makes blisters...never ever go on a long run in new shoes...where you can get water while on a country road...move over for cars - they are bigger than you...don't forget your sweatband because sweat in the eyes burns...watching your neighborhood wake up is pretty cool...training with a friend is far better than training alone...the .2 part of the 26.2 marathon distance is the hardest...you can make wonderful friends and solve lots of problems while running...crossing the finish line is awesome!

Those are just a few of the things I've learned while training for the 10 marathons that I have run. I haven't actually started my training for the Miracle Match Marathon yet but I do run an average of 4 mile a day and have been for the past 25 years. I will begin my training in earnest around September 1.

Good Luck to you all with your training. If I can do it, anyone can.

Easy Come, Easier Going

Well it's that time again and I am happy to say that I have increased my distance by .2 of a mile and will be increasing another .2 by the end of the week. I know it's not much but in the big picture for me at this time that says alot. I find myself not cringing everytime the alarm clock goes off in the morning. The puppy is not hating it anymore either, when we go she seems to enjoy the run, I have even gone as far as taking off her leash and for the most part she follows fairly close. My wife says she can see a difference in my appearance, she says that I look leaner. I don't feel that way I haven't lost any weight but I do feel Healthier. Well to all the other runners"Happy Trails" to those reading, take it from me It's not so bad once you get started and get past that point where you tell yourself "Is it Worth It?". YES IT IS! not only for your health, but also for the cause.

July 08, 2007

Slow, but steady!

Three weeks in and I am still here! Granted, I am only running three times a week and I have only run two miles at a time, but my mileage will increase. This time last year I couldn't run two miles without some walk breaks. Looking back I can see that I am much improved! Also, as a part of my new training routine, I am doing more cross-training. I do some yoga, light weights, and work on my arms and core with Maya, the aerobic goddess in the Xbox game "Yourself Fitness" (this puts the Xbox to good use!). I feel stronger already. Today, my husband John and I and my two kids did 30 minutes of a yoga tape. Doing any kind of exercise with kids is an exercise in patience! However, it feels good to have the whole family involved. Late this evening I ran my two miles. I am fortunate that my neighborhood has streetlights or I probably couldn't get away with running after dark, but it is frequently the only time I have to get it done. I have read that exercising at night can cause insominia. I can't vouch for anyone esle, but it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I think it may help me be more relaxed. However, sitting here on the couch blogging about my run is not helping me get any more sleep! I will write again soon. Happy running!

July 05, 2007

Time to "just do it"

I did the 1/2 MMM last year, which was the first time I ran anything in my life, and actually went on to do full Marathon in Houston in January, but hurt my knee (and also got a little burned out) and almost completely quit running in the last 6 months. I'm sorry to say, I have become again a couch potato, I'm out of shape and fat. So, here I am starting to train again, and it's very much harder than last year. Last Sunday I got myself together for an afternoon run, I picked a course I used to run all the time. Hey, I used to do 6 miles easy here! But I'll only do 4 this time, I thought. Well, I can be a real idiot at times. It was a hot afternoon and after about 1.5 miles I started to feel nauseated and remembered I had had a hamburger for lunch only about 90 minutes earlier. I could really feel the extra pounds I've put on, in fact, my stomach seemed to stick out in front of me as I ran, and sort of took on a life of it's own, bouncing up and down like a meaty beach ball. At about 2 miles I started getting dizzy, thank goodness I brought a bottle of water which I drank some of and the rest poured over my smoldering head. That's when I started walking, and felt better and jogged a little to finish it out, but the 4 miles took over an hour. I felt like quitting right then and there. But later, after the sweat dried off and my mind began to clear and my stomach stopped quivering, I felt like I had really done something worthwhile. Even though it was hard, I did it. I guess I'll keep trying.

June 28, 2007

Off to the races!

As I begin my blog, I find myself thinking, "What is it that I find so enjoyable about running?" It isn't the sweat dripping off the ends of my hair. It isn't the aches and pains and stitches. It isn't the unlady-like smell of my favorite running gear. I have to talk myself into it everytime I go out to run. The first 1/2 mile is miserable. Why do I keep doing it? At first I think I needed to prove to myself that I could do something physically demanding. Now, I think I just like how I feel afterwards. Not the sweaty, stinky part, but the way my body feels, warm and relaxed. I also like the fact that I can eat without worrying about the calories and that I look fitter now then I did 10 years ago.
I started my training last week with light mileage and a hefty dose of cross-training. This is quite different from my earlier training regimens that focused on mileage and almost daily running. I decided that I wanted to be stronger this year. So far I am just sore. However, my legs feel great and the rain has definitely cooled things down, which makes the running very pleasant. So far, so good!

June 27, 2007

Trying Times

Well I have my first weekend under my belt and If I knew I would be training for a BIATHOLON(running, swimming) I would have thought better of it. No just kidding,running is starting to feel like it use to way back when. I just don't remember ever having to run in this much rain. My route isn't so bad because its mostly street but those corners can get awfully deep at times my only thought is "I hope I can get past that corner before the car behind me catches up and soaks me to the skin". Well no-one ever said running was going to be easy or dry(who would have thought at the end of June we would be soaking wet) at least it's better than 100 degrees in the morning. Well to those of you reading, my first suggestion is to pick a route that is scenic with variety. I learned after alittle while that same house I past 3 to 4 times is not getting any better looking. Best of luck to all you runners and walkers may your goals be met with satisfaction and as little pain as possible.

June 22, 2007

So It Begins

Last night I thought to myself "today is a good day to start training." Then my alarm started beeping and I said to myself "It sure is early!" As I started dressing our puppy looked up from her pillow and had a look on her face that said" You want me to do what? At this Hour?" After fumbling with the front door lock trying to be quiet so we wouldn't wake up the rest of the family we started. At first I thought to myself "This isn't so bad" then we made the first turn up a nice gentle rise, up what felt like a Texas version of Mt. Everest. After wheezing and hacking for what felt like an hour we started our return trip back to the house. I thought to myself " I sure hope my family hears the dog barking trying to get their attention" as I sit on the side of the road trying to make it the rest of the way back to the house. All kidding aside it was an interesting start, I sure need more roadwork! I want to wish the rest of the team the best of luck as each of you start on your own little roads of discovery!

June 19, 2007


Welcome to Miracles in the Making! This is a site for Scott & White "staff members in training" to log their experiences as they prepare for the Miracle Match Marathon, which benefits the Scott & White Marrow Donor Program. Please let us know why you are running this race and how it's going for you!