July 14, 2007

Sore legs

I had a little blip in my training this week. I did several minutes of jumping jacks while doing aeorbics on Tuesday. They seemed quite doable at the time...but, apparantly, I was using some calf muscle that doesn't get used enough. Ouch! Sore legs. Over the past couple of days I have managed to do some yoga stretches, but no running. This morning my legs are still sore, but it is time to get back to it. A short, easy run today followed by a slightly longer run tommorrow should get me back into it. Wish me luck!

July 10, 2007

Oops, I did it again

I actually ran another 4 miles! And this time wasn't so bad! I joined a running group in Waco and ran w/ them the first time on Saturday. I got up at 0530 (remember, this is on a SATURDAY) and somehow made myself go out the door. The group in Waco ran 3 miles last week and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to hang in there, I'd be dragging behind them, I'd faint, I'd be made fun of, etc, etc. But I did it and the 4 miles wasn't so bad. Running w/ other people is definitely funner. So, I am planning on doing this every Saturday (so much for my rowdy parties on Friday nights, oh well). We are supposed to do 5 miles this week, so I have to do some running before then. I got up this morning and ran for 40 minutes, and you know, it's really hot at 6 AM. I've found running in the evening after work just never seems to happen, something else comes up; I'm too tired, I'm busy, I'm quitting, I'm too fat, I'm a loser, you know, something always stops me. So morning running is very, very important.

July 09, 2007

Things I've learned while training for Marathons - When and where to put the vaseline...running in the rain makes blisters...never ever go on a long run in new shoes...where you can get water while on a country road...move over for cars - they are bigger than you...don't forget your sweatband because sweat in the eyes burns...watching your neighborhood wake up is pretty cool...training with a friend is far better than training alone...the .2 part of the 26.2 marathon distance is the hardest...you can make wonderful friends and solve lots of problems while running...crossing the finish line is awesome!

Those are just a few of the things I've learned while training for the 10 marathons that I have run. I haven't actually started my training for the Miracle Match Marathon yet but I do run an average of 4 mile a day and have been for the past 25 years. I will begin my training in earnest around September 1.

Good Luck to you all with your training. If I can do it, anyone can.

Easy Come, Easier Going

Well it's that time again and I am happy to say that I have increased my distance by .2 of a mile and will be increasing another .2 by the end of the week. I know it's not much but in the big picture for me at this time that says alot. I find myself not cringing everytime the alarm clock goes off in the morning. The puppy is not hating it anymore either, when we go she seems to enjoy the run, I have even gone as far as taking off her leash and for the most part she follows fairly close. My wife says she can see a difference in my appearance, she says that I look leaner. I don't feel that way I haven't lost any weight but I do feel Healthier. Well to all the other runners"Happy Trails" to those reading, take it from me It's not so bad once you get started and get past that point where you tell yourself "Is it Worth It?". YES IT IS! not only for your health, but also for the cause.

July 08, 2007

Slow, but steady!

Three weeks in and I am still here! Granted, I am only running three times a week and I have only run two miles at a time, but my mileage will increase. This time last year I couldn't run two miles without some walk breaks. Looking back I can see that I am much improved! Also, as a part of my new training routine, I am doing more cross-training. I do some yoga, light weights, and work on my arms and core with Maya, the aerobic goddess in the Xbox game "Yourself Fitness" (this puts the Xbox to good use!). I feel stronger already. Today, my husband John and I and my two kids did 30 minutes of a yoga tape. Doing any kind of exercise with kids is an exercise in patience! However, it feels good to have the whole family involved. Late this evening I ran my two miles. I am fortunate that my neighborhood has streetlights or I probably couldn't get away with running after dark, but it is frequently the only time I have to get it done. I have read that exercising at night can cause insominia. I can't vouch for anyone esle, but it doesn't bother me at all. In fact, I think it may help me be more relaxed. However, sitting here on the couch blogging about my run is not helping me get any more sleep! I will write again soon. Happy running!